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Programmatic Advertising picks up speed in Norway
4 medalii pentru elevii romani la Olimpada internationala de Informatica pentru tarile din Europa Centrala
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Programmatic Advertising picks up speed in Norway
[ 16.07.2015 ]
As in the rest of the Nordic countries, programmatic advertising is making gains in Norway. June 2015 research from Delta Projects reported that programmatic ad spending in the country had increased by 212% over the past year and expected this to continue to grow in 2015. Delta Projects is the largest real-time bidding (RTB) buyer in the Nordic region and processes more than 6.8 billion auctions per month in Norway.

According to the research, programmatic accounted for 12% of the total amount spent on digital display ads in Norway last year. This share was expected to more than double in 2015 to approximately 25% of the total.

This strong growth will be led by an increase in spending on non-RTB programmatic, which by Delta Projects’ definition includes private marketplaces, deals as well as direct buys. “In 2015, non-RTB programmatic trading will be the main factor driving continued growth in the market,” Peter Karlsson, the country manager of Delta Projects Norway, told eMarketer.

Delta Projects estimated that non-RTB programmatic’s share of digital display ad spending in Norway would increase from just 1% in 2014 to 8% this year. In 2016, non-RTB programmatic was expected to account for 12% of the total amount advertisers in the country should spend on digital display ads.

eMarketer estimates that total digital display ad spending in Norway will increase by 10.3% in 2015 and reach $401.7 million.

See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Programmatic-Advertising-Picks-Up-Speed-Norway/1012714?ecid=NL1010#sthash.n256LmmI.dpuf

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